About Us

Kanawha Canal Lift Bridge

Riverfront; Richmond, VA

Kanawha Canal Lift Bridge

Riverfront; Richmond, VA

Our Edge

A passion for investing.
We love investing and it energizes us every day. We are a disciplined value manager dedicated to asking questions, uncovering business catalysts others have overlooked and investing with conviction.

A “client first” culture.
We believe our tailored client service meets each client where they want to be. The timeliness and accuracy of our reporting paired with our responsiveness to your requests sets us apart and establishes the foundation for a long-term partnership.

A seasoned team with diverse perspectives.
We take a team approach when investing and serving clients. We believe a breadth of perspectives is needed to challenge conventional thinking and arrive at the best investment outcomes. Each and every one of us takes pride in our role and our effort to provide a first class client experience.

Our Client Experience

Investment discipline.

We employ a disciplined investment process—tested and refined over decades--to identify attractive securities and to build portfolios to meet your objectives. Process, not herd instincts or emotion, drives every investment decision we make. We believe process fosters accountability and alignment to deliver results that meet and exceed your expectations.

A tailored client experience.

Our engagement is customized to your preferences, interacting with you as often as you require, whether it be regularly scheduled meetings, routine phone calls, or responding to issues the moment they arise. We provide you with informative, transparent reporting in the frequency and format you prefer.

A culture of compliance.

Adherence to legal and regulatory compliance obligations is engrained in our culture and is a top priority.  TSW holds its associates to strict ethical standards. The Firm’s reputation is one of its most vital assets, and maintaining our clients’ trust and confidence is of paramount importance. TSW’s unique, shared culture of compliance permeates throughout the Firm.

Aligned interests.

We have a personal stake in your success. We are rewarded based on the long-term performance of your investments with us, directly aligning our outcomes. Our retirement funds and many of our personal assets are invested alongside you in TSW’s strategies.

Our Legacy

Matt Thompson, Jack Siegel and Pierce Walmsley started one of Virginia’s first independent investment management firms in 1969 with a modest pool of capital entrusted to them by family, friends and neighbors—wealth accumulated over lifetimes of hard work. The next five years was one of the worst periods for U.S. financial markets since the Great Depression, an inauspicious time for a young threesome to start a new venture. The principles that brought TSW and its clients through those difficult early years remain at the core of what we are today. Our founders adopted an investment philosophy they called Central Value because it was designed to offer attractive returns with a reasonable margin of safety. They focused on preserving capital and building long-term wealth through independent thinking and disciplined, fundamental research. They invested alongside their clients, and they built trust through integrity, accountability and clear communication. TSW has evolved and grown, but we retain the core principles of value investing, alignment, integrity and accountability that Matt, Jack and Pierce established more than a half century ago.